Eva Kruyver, a second-year journalism student at the ISJT, went back to school in Toulouse. « Dynamic, playful and smiling », as her classmates describe her, Eva is an endearing girl. But how did his passion for journalism come about ? Focus on Eva Kruyver, the most French of the Dutch or the most Dutch of the French.
Coffee in hand, Eva is on her way to school, all perky. On the way, the Dutch girl recalls her childhood memories and the beginning of her school career.
She has always wanted to do this. At the very beginning, she wanted to be a TV host and the idea never went away. It changes over time. It went from TV host to JRI, to editor, to journalist and now it’s more about communication. Eva did a green college in Aignan in her department where she studied the environment. Then she went to Auch in cinema before to join the ISJT in post-bac.
The journalism : a vocation
One day, she went to Infosup and a friend of her told her to go see the ISJT. Guillaume the director sold the school to her very well. Then she had an interview and sent letter of motivation and is now in her second year at ISJT.
Her ultimate dream would be to finish JRI for example on National Geographic or Discovery Channel, a very impactful media. Generally speaking, she would like to join an influential media.
Every day, Eva keeps abreast of current events and the world around her. She reads traditional media that have gone digital, Le Monde, Le Figaro even if it is not the editorial line she prefers but she tries to vary as much as possible with many different media. But above all, she prefers pure-players. « It’s a very attractive, dynamic and appealing way to get a message across ». It’s the media that best fits her values, like Konbini, Topito…They are engaged, rather left-wing and very diverse. They are interested in culture and the entertainment is complete.
The first steps in the professional world
Eva has very good memories of her first experience in journalism. She did her first year internship at Webedia, a communication company based in Paris. It took a little time to adjust at first. It was a big leap into the unknown. The vastness of the capital, not knowing anyone, was not easy. But after a few weeks, Eva acclimatized well to her new life. The atmosphere in the editorial office was excellent. Our budding journalist was surrounded by open-minded people, positive and ambitious people…Eva herself says that she had « the best three months of her life ! »
For her second-year internship, Eva hasn’t found anything yet. The media she applied to are not responding and the exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus is not making the job any easier. She is thinking of choosing » the easy way out and going back this year with Topito « where she did her first year internship. Topito is a website specialized in information and entertainment. Eva feels in her element in this writing. His humour, pen and personality fit perfectly with the editorial line of the website. In addition, it operates in an optimal working environment. The team and the journalists around it are caring and positive.