Sleep. Eat. Sleep. Eat. Sleep. Eat. Is this really the everyday life of all retired? I can tell you no. We went to meet Claude, he’s been retired for 8 years. He tells us about his everyday occupations.
« I have almost no time for myself, I still have an occupation » Claude told us after a good nap, after lunch. No, no prejudice, naps are not the only activities of a retired person! In the morning, the alarm rings very early, but it’s a habit, « when I used to raise sheep, I had to get up very early in the morning so I kept the same rhythm ». After a good breakfast with cocoa, croissants and other pastries, the man will take care of the animals he has left: chickens, chickens and chickens. However, he is always accompanied by his two dogs, Fripouille and Mirou which constantly stick him to win the title of “best dog of the world”. I think they are a little disturbing, but the elder takes it with the smile, « my dogs follow me everywhere, the little one runs after the chicken to set them before the night, he understands that I am old now and I can’t do it anymore». In the morning, he usually spends time in his garden. Claude is harvesting salads, beets, carrots, tomatoes and other veggies. It’s twelve o’clock, he has to prepare a good meal to make his family happy. Soup remains the most popular dish but “a hearty meal is always a treat for the stomach” says Claude. After eating, it’s time for a good nap, good idea! I do the same, it feels so good. After one hour of sleep, I continue to observe my subject. I see Claude in the back of the garden, driving his old tractor, a collector, it looks like it will fall into ruins but it still works! Claude can then look for wood with his tractor in the forest to heat the fireplace that remains lit most part of the year. In my opinion, a retired person without a chimney isn’t a real retired.

Then, Claude continues his day but I lose sight of him. Where is he? I’m lucky, I find him near a wood, he’s looking for mushrooms! I have the feeling that he knows them all. Tonight’s dish is already found, a good omelette with fresh eggs picked up this morning, and mushrooms from the forest walk! After that, I go with him to watch the football game of the biggest city near to his campaign village: Rodez. In the stadium, he finds friends and shares a beer with them. His club wins, he seems happy like a child when he eats his favourite candy. We’re going back home, it’s time to sleep, only for me. My grandfather says goodnight, he off to a card tournament now, when will he stop?