Sport to change
The gym where the magic happened

Before i discovered sport I was a young girl without any self confidence and a body that didn’t fit me. I needed to get rid of my anxiety and all the bad energies. I found in sport a place of fulfillment far from the usual clichés about gym.

How I went from feeling uncomfortable with myself to feeling great ?

In the past, after class, I was going home and I was just watching TV with a piece of cake. I wasn’t gaining much weight so, I could cheerfully allow myself to eat anything I wanted. But as a consequence, I was not comfortable with myself. I was very skinny. I remember that I was wearing a short size 4 when i was 10. I was hiding under quantities of clothing to look less skinny. I hated sports then and everything related to it. I wasn’t satisfied. I didn’t want to be like that anymore, I could not get fat and I didn’t like sport. I was stuck.
Then, I found out how to put on healthy weight and I discovered that I was not the only one to suffer. On YouTube, in a video, I saw that with a healthy diet and a lot of sport I could change too. The best sport to change quickly and effectively is fitness. So i started to get interested in this sport by looking at videos, or asking advice from friends who practised it and I began to exercise at my home with only small weights and a gym mat. I managed to gain a little muscle mass but that was not enough for me. So I decided to go to the gym. Thus, I took advantage from the fact that my boyfriend went there, to go with him. There, I was able to discover a whole universe which fitted  me : everybody was there to challenge themselves. And I successfully changed my life.

The key to self-fulfillment

With sport I learnt first, to challenge myself. I became aware of my body, of what I was able to do. I didn’t think I could carry such heavy loads and do intensive physical activity for nearly two hours in row. At first, it was very hard. I had a lot of body aches. I had to motivate myself physically and mentally but the sensations, the endorphins from the effort made me want to go back to the gym the next day. I became stronger, I saw the changes being made and I rediscovered myself. I started to like my body and to match with it. I had also learned to love it for his strengths and weaknesses. The challenge in the gym made me challenge myself in my daily life as well. I became more optimistic, more daring and I was less aback in front of any obstacle. I was less stressed, I could get rid of everything. Thanks to sport I became myself physically and mentally. And most of all, I respect that image.